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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oregon 510A Bench Chain Grinder Discount Oregon 510A Bench Chain GrinderOn SaleOregon 510A Bench Chain Grinder

Oregon 510A Bench Chain Grinder

Oregon 510A Bench Chain Grinder

Oregon 510A Bench Chain GrinderOverviews.

Specially Designed, Easy-to-Use Handles and Knobs. This convenient Oregon bench chain grinder is a great choice for professionals who sharpen saw chains up to .404 inch pitch on a regular basis. Not only does this grinder have ample power to perform daily, but it also has multiple safety features that provide better grip, control, and securely holds chain parts.

Oregon 510A Bench Chain Grinder Features.

  • One-Way Motor Rotation
  • 3400 RPM, .38-Horsepower, Direct Drive Motor
  • Large Motor fan and T-Shaped Cooling Fins
  • Runs on Standard 110-volt AC, 60-Cycle Current
  • Specially Designed, Easy-to-Use Handles and Knobs

  • Date post : 2012-11-07 Oregon 510A Bench Chain Grinder